If you are planning a visit to the White Mountains Region of New Hampshire, make sure to add the Love.Yarn.Shop to your itinerary.
Visiting local yarn stores, is one of my favorite past-times. So when “Local Yarn Store Day” came up, it was just one more opportunity to do what I love most….shop for yarn!
Love.Yarn.Shop, Bethlehem, NH
Love.Yarn.Shop is an independently owned yarn store on main street in the delightful town of Bethlehem, NH.

The day I visited this yarn shop, was a very rainy day, however the rain was easily forgotten when I entered the store.
I was immediately greeted with a warm and cozy vibe. Yarns of every color imaginable graced the walls and table tops.
Immediately to the left there was a cozy little nook, just inviting people to sit and crochet/knit a while.

What Makes Love.Yarn.Shop. Unique
What I love about visiting local yarn shops is they all have a distinct personality as well as unique yarn brands available. At Love.Yarn.Shop, they specifically stock New England and American yarns. Living in New England I love this focus on my local area.

While the majority of their yarn is New England and American made, they do have a small section of Noro’s Kureyon (Japan) yarn. If you have never seen this yarn before (I hadn’t), prepare yourself to be dazzled by all the colors!

Classes and Social Events
Including just dropping in to gather in their little nook, they offer weekly classes in knit and crochet.
They host casual, social events where you can crochet (or knit), chat, and get to know other fibre artists.
Once a month they open to the public on a Sunday. The purpose of these Sundays are to knit or crochet projects for worthy causes.

Visit Love.Yarn.Shop.
Brick and mortar: 2050 Main Street, Bethlehem, NH
Their website and online store can be found at: Love.Yarn.Shop.
Facebook @loveyarnshop
Etsy – KISS Patterns